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Along the Path

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sense of Care

Obviously, the first sense of mine to go with being cold is the Sense of Care.

Yesterday, as I was shivering my way thru the day I found my "Cuddle Duds". Those of you that know them, I'm certain love them as much as I do. I had a brand new pair, still in the box. They are a fun polka-dot.

For those of you that don't know, Cuddle Duds are long underwear. Typically, long underwear goes underneath your clothes, they are not seen.

Well, this is part of my cold factor and loss of my sense of care. My Cuddle Dud pants were under my pants, but my Cuddle Dud shirt was my shirt, and not only that, I accessorized with a zebra print sweater.

With my mind frozen, this is what I wore to Kyle's wrestling match last night.........which also happened to be Parents Night. We had to go down and be introduced and get our flower in front of a gym full of people. This was my attire:

I took a close-up of the fabrics and textures so you could see how beautifully they went together. I also wanted to make sure and capture the hot pink bow. That really sets this outfit apart from anything else I would usually never be caught dead in!

Yesterday, while at home, I was also running around in my slippers all day. Assisting the boiler man, chatting with the mailman. Today I was running around in the same slippers and looked down at my feet.

Are you getting a good visual here? Imagine the beautiful attire from above mixed with the ever so chic unmatching slippers. I can only imagine what that boiler man thinks. But since my sense of care is frozen. I don't care!

Remember the flower I told you about that I received at Parent's Night last night at Kyle's wrestling meet?

Well, despite being a florist and wedding coordinator who has literally hundreds of beautiful containers and vases at my fingertips, the lack of the sense of care shows again:

Check out my centerpiece!

This seems to be really working for me :) !!

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