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Along the Path

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wiener Wednesday

It's Wiener Wednesday!!

As I have said before, Theodore and Winston have completely different personalities.

Winston is rather uppity. High brow would be a good way to describe him. Wise, thoughtful, pays attention to what is going on around him. Eats with manners, walks with purpose. If he could talk I know he would be very polite and probably have a British accent.

Theodore is none of those things. He is a down-home, good ol' boy, looking for fun in all the wrong places and if he could talk I know he would not use proper grammar and would use the phrase "Git-R-Done" a lot. (Yeah, he is a dog version of Larry the Cable Guy).

One thing that shows their distinct differences is what they eat, how they eat and how much they eat.

Winston is rather finicky. He eats small amounts, chews completely, does not talk with his mouth full, and eats very slowly as to savor the every morsel.

Theodore will eat anything, anywhere, as fast as he the point that he starts to choke himself because he shoveled it in so fast. I don't think he has ever tasted anything his entire life.

This morning I took photos of their breakfast. Same thing. Every day.

They start off with their food. Theodore gets 3/4 of a cup and Winston 1/2.

Within seconds Theodore has nearly gobbled all of his down. Winston has just started.

Theodore has finished his and now licks the bowl.

Theodore leaves the kitchen and goes and hides behind the door. He watches Winston thru the crack. He is waiting for Winston to finish. Hoping Winston will get full before he finishes the meal or at least leave a few pieces about for Theodore to scavenge.

It always takes Winston too long for Theodore. He waits paitently, but can only do so for so long. He comes back to look for the stray pieces and lick his bowl again.

Winston finishes. Takes a drink and then retreats to his spot in the living room to settle his stomache and take an after breakfast nap.

Theodore has left the room again. Peeked thru the door again. Watched Winston finish up Finally. Watches as Winston retreats to the living room and in the kitchen he goes to see if Winston missed anything. He licks Winston's bowl. Licks the floor around Winston's bowl. Searches the entire floor in the kitchen for anything that may have wandered off and then goes back and licks his bowl again....for the third time.

He then stays in the kitchen for awhile. Just to make sure that the kitchen has indeed closed and is no longer serving breakfast. He watches as I put his food away. Only until that drawer is closed does he leave and go about his day.

Which basically consists of............waiting for his next meal!

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