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Along the Path

Monday, February 9, 2009

Saturday Simple Pleasures

I should title these posts "Saturday Simple Pleasures Posted on Monday", it seems that is when I can finally get them posted!

Busy weekend, but these are some of the simple things I enjoyed on Saturday:

Gregory first noticed the beautiful sunrise. We went out and stood in the quiet, sleepy street and took some photos in the glow of the watercolor painting surrounding us.

I went out in the sunroom to see if I could get a good shot of the was amazing

When I was out in the sunroom I realized it wasn't freezing! How exciting to know that we are going to get to be spending some time out there. I can't wait to watch the gardens bloom and watch the kids in the backyard in not too long from this great vantage point. This is a photo of 1/2 of our backyard. I can't believe we have yet to use our smokehouse or our sauna.....kind of forgot we had them.

While I was out there I looked over at the daybed and had to laugh. This pillow case on the daybed shows the last time we were out in the sunroom. I will be getting something springy on there!

I had to take a photo of my Valentine's Day flag blowing in the breeze and the melted road beyond it. We're turning that corner into spring!!!!

Saturday Bundt. Was gone by Sunday night. Homemade German Chocolate with a homemade frosting. It was soooooo yummy.

This also brings me to another pleasure. Many have written me asking me why I don't post the recipes to these delights. Very exciting news........we are adding on to our blog house with a recipe wing. It won't be ready for about 7 weeks. I know, but those that know me know...... I don't MOVE fast. It will be very exciting when it is ready to move into and all of these recipes will be there!

Speaking of MOVING. Whenever we have moved, the last thing I have taken off the wall in the "old" house and the last thing I put up in the "new" house to signal the transition is complete is the following :

It was hung up this Saturday signaling the transition from Stillwater is finally complete. If anything can bring a smile to face that is sure it!

Yes, I know it is "wintery" but it stays up all year. If you are going to make something out of that you will probably want to make something out of my kitchen calendar that NEVER gets changed. I hung it up (it was the correct date) the first Christmas after we got married. I am too busy to spend my time re-doing a calendar every month, so it has stayed the exact same ever since. Every December 1st I check it to see if this is its year to be correct. (I don't look beforehand, because it is like a Christmas present and I don't want to peek). Something to look forward to every year!

Some call it laziness. I call it a great life lesson.

I think it's a very creative gift for the entire family once a year. So we have to look at the wrong month and date 11 months out of the year. Here is the great life lesson: With everything great there is always a sacrifice!

And because even after looking at the wrong date for 11 months (sacrificing) it usually still is not correct (another great life lesson: Just because you sacrificed doesn't mean it is always going to turn out the way you hope!)

It is going to bring me great pleasure to walk into all of your kitchens now and see calendars with the wrong month and date, sharing these life lessons with your family :)

Can we come up with a life lesson for falling way behind on laundry?

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