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Along the Path

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Prayer Requests

Psalm 107:28-30

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
and He brought them out of their distress.

He stilled the storm to a whisper;
the waves of the sea were hushed.

They were glad when it grew calm,
and He guided them to their desired haven.

Let us Pray:

For Pete. He is battling Luekemia and has really been struggling with his chemo treatments. He is also in the audio/visual field and with show season coming up he is very concerned about his ability to perform his duties, which is his means of financial support, and has many worries for his health, his business and his future. Please pray for his strength and for Him to be near at this difficult time.

For Lacey. Lacey and her family live in North Dakota and are living in the fear of having to evacuate their home at any moment due to rising flood waters. At this point, the only thing saving their home and their town are sand bags and levies. The water level around their home is 52.3 feet. Flood stage is at 42 feet. If the water reaches 53 she will be forced to leave. Following is a photo of her house and her town (her house is marked by the purple dot). Just about all the water is not supposed to be there. They do not have any lakes around their house. Only two rivers. Please pray for their safety and that the levies hold back the water.

For Paulette's mom, Pauline. She had a blood clot and it has settled in her eye. Please lift her up in your prayers for a safe outcome and complete recovery.

For Judy's son, David. He was biten by his cat and is in the hospital with a severe infection and may lose his arm. Please lift him up in your prayers for a safe outcome and complete recovery. Also, please say a prayer for Judy. She can always use them and deserves God's special attention.

For Starr and Randy. Randy has had a very promising week and we are thankful. He had fluid removed from the wall of his lung and is breathing much better. Please continue to pray for his strength and healing and continued improvement and comfort for him. Please pray for Starr's strength and endurance as she continues to care for her husband.

For Justin. As a 14 year old boy he continuously struggles with making the right choices and displaying respectful and considerate behavior. Justin has had a difficult week with attitude and grace. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

For Paul. He has been on the heart transplant list for 231 days. As his body grows weaker, please pray for him.


A wonderful possible job opportunity has presented itself for Dave. He is only in the very beginning stages of the application process, so please keep him in your prayers, but we are very thankful to be given yet another opportunity for optimism and hope.

Also, if all of you could take a minute and give thanks. Thanks that you are not one of those listed above, and if you are, thankful that others care enough to pray for you.

We all have so much to be thankful for each and every day, actually each and every minute, that we are alive, and if blessed with good health, that we are healthy. There are so many that are not and we need to give thanks and count our blessings. Your life can change in an instant and struggles be cast upon you. Be thankful for your moments they are not.


  1. A much better day for Randy, thanx for all the prayers, as for David and the cat bit, he is back in the hospital tonight, Oh but for the power of prayers. LV Bobbie
