So many suffer from it and so many live with or are close to someone that suffers from it.
Do those that are addicted have any idea how many lives their addiction touches and how deeply? If so, does it, or would it make any difference? From what I have seen when addiction is in charge it is IN CHARGE. There is no sense of reason or care. Addiction has no limits to what it will do to keep feeding itself.
Alcohol, drug, pornography, gambling, theft, gaming, food, anger, shopping. Some things, are they an addiction or products thereof; dishonesty, violence, abuse, paranoia, obsessiveness, irrational behavior.
If you are someone that is touched by the addiction of another you have, or may be at this moment, walking along a path corroded with many of the above.
Please remember it is not YOU. Addiction is master of manipulation and thinks it is so much smarter than anything or anyone else. It also refuses to take responsibility. It will always make you feel it is YOU. IT IS NOT.
For those of you struggling with even the simplest of fact of "is what I see really what I see, am I nuts?" I wanted to share this with you and I will pray for you and for those with the addiction may they find calm in their storm, courage in the battle with their demons, strength against their minute by minute temptations and the power of truth. Truth with themselves and with those around them.
Crap in Your Shoe
How about if one day someone takes a crap in your shoe and then tells you it is not a crap, and that they didn't do it anyway. Then suddenly within the conversation they say it's actually not a crap at all, it's a toad. Then, let's say, the person tells you that not only is what you know to be crap, a toad, but that you really should wear the shoe around and get crap on your foot and wear it all day and not complain about it because if you do then they will not be able to stop putting a toad in your shoe. Then this person tells you that you are not "wise" to be questioning whether it is crap or a toad, and that if you won't walk around in crap and admit that it's not crap but a toad, that you are contributing to the ill health of "the relationship."
Then a few days later the crapper comes to you and apologizes and admits that they crapped in your shoe and they are very very sorry and will never do it again.
Then let's say that about a week later you find that it's not just one pair of shoes, but all of your shoes. THEY ARE ALL FILLED WITH CRAP. And then when you confront the crapper they say, "Hey, wait a minute, it would be much more 'healthy' for you to wear your shoes, call the crap a toad, and I will work on this and you just mind your own business and when I can stop crapping in your shoe I will do it on my own terms. In the meantime, you just pretend it's not happening and your shoes smell fine, ok?"
You are now convinced that YOU need to seek help. To top it all off a therapist tells you that the most healthy thing you can do for yourself is get up every morning, wipe the crap out of your shoe, and go about your day.
How many out there are asking if it is even ok to want to check their shoe for crap?
People in committed relationships are entitled to know whatever truths are happening in their homes that they can find. Truth is what is important. Truth is wise, truth is healthy, truth forms the basic foundation for all good things. So if someone feels compelled to know the truth, even if they wish they did not have to go looking for it, they are entitled to do so to make wise good decisions for themselves and about who they want to spend their days with.
Snooping is a label with negative connotations that implies doing something wrong. Looking for the truth of your situation is not to be considered snooping and is not wrong.
Would you enter into a business partnership with someone who expected you to accept their deceit? Would you encourage your daughter to marry a man who crapped in her shoes? Would you tell your child that the crap you took in their shoe was really a toad and they should just wear the shoe anyway?
I applaud those who are willing to be upfront and have a truthful policy. Crap is crap. Don't discredit yourself so much that you don't think you know it when you see it or allow someone to try and make you believe it is anything other than what it is. Call it what it is. What you decide to do with it is up to you, but at least start with the fact you know crap when you see it and move forward from there.
***I asked someone very dear to me "Why do so many people allow the continuous crapping in their shoes and walk around with it squishing in their toes". Her answer; "Because it gets into their sole (soul)".
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