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Along the Path

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's Warming Up!

The temperature is now 10 degrees above zero.........a heat wave!

It has been sooooo cold. Today the sun is shining bright and it is actually quite a beautiful day. I am planning on finishing up whatever decorating I am doing outside today.

It has been real difficult working my Christmas decorations around the roofers. Yes, they are still here. They took a few days break because of the extreme cold. Saturday they came back and were tearing things apart and continuing on with their mess. Sunday morning I woke up early to get ready to go meet a bride and groom to look at flowers at the wholesaler for their wedding. As I was in the bedroom I looked out the window and noticed it was raining outside. Yes, pouring down rain. I walked out into the hallway and then noticed it was not only raining was also raining in the hall! The roofers had not covered up any of what they had been tearing apart on Saturday and now we had it raining on the 3rd floor and leaking down into the 2nd floor of the house. I got Dave out of bed and he began running around finding whatever buckets, pans, containers he could to stop the rain from hitting the hardwood floors. What a mess!!!

We finally got a hold of the roofers and over they came. The water got into the floor on the 3rd floor, which has (had) blown insulation in it. They had to begin tearing up the floor and pulling all of that insulation out of there. Now not only is the roof torn apart, horse trailer parked in our car port, ladders hanging off of the roof.........we now have the floor torn up, missing insulation and a ruined ceiling on the second floor.

Not only is it heating up outside..........our temperatures have risen quite a bit as well!!

We really have quite a mess on the 3rd floor!

On a lighter note:

It is nearly Christmas!

Theodore waiting for Santa

We are baking at my house tomorrow. Gingerbread Men and Rum Cakes. If you care to join here by 9:30.....although we are telling Kathy 9:00 because then she will be here by 9:30!

I am really wanting to do a craft project for some friends, teachers, mailman, and yes....maybe even the roofers...........(they have had a hard week!!). I am in hopes of getting the supplies this morning, if I do, and get them done, I will post pictures and show you what they are. If not, you will have to wait until next year!

Although the cold can be quite miserable, it can also be quite beautiful. Kyle and I went down to the river and stood out in the elements (and believe me, that winding coming across that river was some serious elements at -45 degrees windchill). I took some photos and thought I would share some with you.

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