It was hot here yesterday.
When the going gets hot.....the hot go to the river! Well, at least that is how it is around here.
I love living on the St. Croix River, but I particularly love living on the St. Croix River in the summer!
We decided yesterday it was time to dust the winter cobwebs off of the picnic basket and mini grill and head to our favorite island on the St. Croix River for an evening picnic.
We got everything ready to go while Dave was at work and as soon as he got home we were off.
It was delightful. The river is always its calmest about 6:00 and last night was no exception. It was like glass. It felt so good with the warm air blowing on our faces and cool river mist coming up off the water.
We got to "our" island and were so happy to see it. It is a great little island down the river near Prescott. We can pull the boat right up on the sandy shore. It is the most peaceful spot.
Justin wasn't with us tonight, but I got some shots of Kyle and Gregory. I looked in my photo archives and found some from a couple of years ago. The island and the river haven't changed much.....but boy the kids sure have!!
That's awesome you got your own little Island to go to! Sounds like the perfect place to relax!