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Along the Path

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random Pleasures

I cleaned off the card from my camera today. It contained photos I have taken in the last week. Random shots. Random simple pleasures in my life.

God bless my dear friend who not only made this scrumptious tort for me for my birthday, but also knows how old I REALLY am!

How my son makes his bed.

The beautiful parks and lakes Minneapolis has to offer, and the fact it is getting closer and closer to the time of year we can begin enjoying them more!

Sir Winston.

Justin and Gregory taking in a beautiful day outside at the river.

The sunlight dancing off the water.

Gregory's jazz musical this morning. I love a school program and the eagerness of the children to share with us.

What joy to watch Gregory fully enjoy himself!!

Enjoy the simple pleasures of your day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanx for sharing your pleasures, The first one is not so simple it is a necessity to cope with life !! LV B--CH
