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Along the Path

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The World May Not Revolve Around Me

As Gregory stood in his bedroom with his magnetic miniature globe he exclaimed this to me:

"The world may not revolve around me"........he picked up a battery and stuck the magnetic globe to it and swirled it in a circle.

"But it does revolve around this battery!!"

Random Pleasures

I cleaned off the card from my camera today. It contained photos I have taken in the last week. Random shots. Random simple pleasures in my life.

God bless my dear friend who not only made this scrumptious tort for me for my birthday, but also knows how old I REALLY am!

How my son makes his bed.

The beautiful parks and lakes Minneapolis has to offer, and the fact it is getting closer and closer to the time of year we can begin enjoying them more!

Sir Winston.

Justin and Gregory taking in a beautiful day outside at the river.

The sunlight dancing off the water.

Gregory's jazz musical this morning. I love a school program and the eagerness of the children to share with us.

What joy to watch Gregory fully enjoy himself!!

Enjoy the simple pleasures of your day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stuck On You


I love them.

Although I love to sew, but rarely have the time and am not very good at it, the reason I love pincushions is not for their functionality.....but rather because I just think they are so darn cute!! I love their charm and personality.

In 1911 the authors of Pins and Pincushions declared, "One thing is certain, the pincushion is far too valuable an article ever to go out of fashion." This sewing accessory corralled what was once a precious, and expensive, household commodity.

In addition to garden-variety red tomatoes, the varied shapes, colors, and materials of which they are made are limitless.

Although I love them....I only own 1!

This is my one and only pincushion.

I have the perfect shelf for an entire pincushion collection, but for now it is empty. I think my one would look pretty silly up there.

There are so many creative designers and sites for pincushions. I will share a few with you here:

This one is so fun. The designer of this whipped this up for the Pincushion Challenge theme of sea. A beach pebble covered in pebbles. Made from recycled wool felt and scraps left over from dressmaking. Stuffed with fabric scraps.

If you are into sewing....and particularly would enjoy making pincushions, this would be a fun place for you to check out. The Pincushion Challenge. Every month you make a pincushion that somehow relates to the monthly theme. When it's finished you upload it to the Pincushion Challenge Flickr Group. It's that easy!

This is what they call the "Basic Bottlecap". If you would like to try it out here is a great tutorial Basic Bottlecap Tutorial.

This is an Eyeball Pincushion. If you would like to learn how to make it: Eyeball Pincushion Tutorial.

If you like wearable pincushions,

this one is knitted: Wearable Poppy Pincushion Tutorial.

This pincushion is a simple patchwork number. Patchwork Number Tutorial.

I love how it looks and because they say it is "simple", I think I may give this one a try!!

This is my my absolute favorite, I just love it! However, I have never done cross stitch, so I don't think I will ever have it. If you do, I have a special treat for you. You can click here and get the pattern for this adorable pincushion!

Here are some other fun projects:

I think these are adorable. There is no tutorial for them, but the site has all kinds of fun and creative ideas and worth checking out betz white.

I love working with felt and have decided to order this book which was written by Betz White......

Warm Fuzzies is filled with techniques, tips and patterns for creating over 30 cute and colorful felted items made from cast-away sweaters, including cozy pillows and throws as well as comfortable hats, scarves, pincushions and handbags. The best thing about these projects is how easy they are to make...and there's no knitting involved! Simply throw old wool sweaters into the wash to make fabulous felted material, then cut the pieces apart and use them to make felted goodies. Start with the sweet Cupcake Pincushion--they're so easy, and so very cute! To Order.

I don't have any links or information on "how to" for these. But aren't they great?

And this one for a baby's room. I used cloth diapers and always needed something to stick the pins in. crafty sewers out there. If you have the desire to make any of these great projects and you don't have the desire to keep all the pincushions. You can certainly send what you don't want my way :)

Prayer Requests

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." II Corinthians 4:17

Let us Pray:

For Stellan. He is 4 months old and was diagnosed in the womb with a heart problem and his parents were told he would not survive his birth. He did and was born healthy and wonderful. His mother brought him into the doctor a few days ago for some breathing problems. He was given a neb treatment. He improved. He was still having some wheezing and the doctor wanted to keep him overnight for observation. The doctor ordered another neb treatment "to be on the safe side" and this sent his heart rate into a tailspin. He is now in PICU and his heart rate is jumping all over the place between 250 and 260. His little body is having a very difficult time handling everything.

For Zach. He is an 8 year old boy that lives a very hard life. His single mother is a drug addict and he faces a very uncertain future. Please also say some prayers for his mother.

For Gracie's family. Gracie would have been 1 year old on March 20. She died March 2.

For Grandma L and her family. That they find peace that God is in control and let Him handle their situation.

For Randy and Starr. Randy, my brother-in-law, was in a horrible snowmobile accident in the Big Horn Mountains. Please pray for God to stay close to him during this difficult time and blanket him in his love and healing. Pray for Starr, his wife. For strength. love and encouragement. Please lift them up in your prayers.

For Wendy and her family. Her husband is out of work and they are facing some very difficult financial times.

For all of the families that are trying to sell their homes and having a difficult time and falling further and further into a very desperate situation.

For those that have sold their homes or have lost them to foreclosure and are in the process of moving. Pray for their ability to secure shelter and a smooth transition with much hope and promise.

For those stranded in the blizzard out West. That they find warmth, food and shelter.

PRAISE: Although Dave has not found a "full time gig" as they say in the Audio/Visual field, he has been keeping busy with freelance work and also has worked a few days at the Graves for a show that was going on. He has many jobs scheduled next week and he interviewed for a position last week and they called him back yesterday and told him they are awaiting a contract job, if they secure it, they would like to discuss things further with him.
We are very thankful.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Poopy Diapers....Gone with the Wind

As a new parent, when you are the the midst of poopy diapers and spit-up you think they are going to be the hardest things. I can tell you from experience.....they don't even scratch the surface.

As your children get bigger the problems and situations you are faced with as a parent get bigger. You can no longer give your kids time-out in the naughty chair. They now have differing opinions that make sense and contain reason and are in need of discussion and compromise. When they are little there is rarely discussion and compromise. No, typically, means No.

Kyle is a Junior this year in High School. Kyle is a very bright, intelligent, goal-oriented and level headed, fine young man. Kyle's wheels are always turning. Have been since he was a little baby. He has never liked to sleep........afraid he is going to miss something going on around him or that some wonderful opportunity is about to present itself to him and he will miss it because his eyes are closed.

Kyle has had the desire to go into some type of military service and training since he was 3 years old. He has watched his grades, performed community service, participated in school activities and government activities his entire life all with the perfect qualifications, entrance exams and interviews in his future in mind.

His future is now here.

He is interviewing this week to be selected into a military program where he will learn skills necessary for a position in Homeland Security and quite possibly begin bootcamp this summer. He would attend many college courses next year in addition to his senior year in high school and then begin college for a six-year degree at the University of Minnesota immediately following high school.

He is only 16. How can this be happening so soon? Where does the time go?

I admire and love his energy and drive and the fact that he has such a clear plan, but there are so many factors and different things to take into consideration and it makes my head spin and my heart ache a bit.

This weekend I was longing for the simple days of poopy diapers and spit-up. Longing to hang on to the past and stop time from moving forward into the future.

We watched Gone with the Wind last night with all the kids.

In the midst of our kids growing and making plans for their lives and how everything is changing around us, a piece of the words that scroll down the screen at the beginning of the movie keep playing in my head:

"Here in this pretty world, Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair of Master and of Slave... Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, A civilization gone with the wind.

A way of life....their way of life..... disappearing right before their very eyes.

I can relate.

We may not have Knights and their Ladies Fair or Masters and Slaves, but our world....our own little world, that I have known for nearly as long as I can remember, and love dearly, is too changing and becoming no more than a dream remembered.

Oh, how important it is to live each day in our lives remembering the moment we are in.......good, bad, comfortable or fleeting.............and tomorrow will be gone with the wind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

He Paints A Beautiful Picture

Is there anything more glorious than the earth waking up after a long hard winter.

The arms of the tightly closed flowers reaching into the air to say hello.

The tree branches working on their new outfits and watching them emerge in an array of beautiful colors.

All of God's creatures that we haven't seen for months returning to spend some quality time with us.

Living proof that from a very dark place, where it looks like all is dead. Beauty and new life are waiting to emerge. Have patience. It will come.

He paints a beautiful picture.

Happy spring.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Mine and Erin at Designer Blogs birthday present to me........

My new blog design!!

Welcome to Cobblestone Path.

I just love it. I think she did such a fabulous job and I have been so excited for today to get here so I could share it with you!!!

I know many of you have emailed me making sure we were o.k, because I haven't posted at This Is Living for a couple of weeks.

This is why. I have been working on links and saving information and didn't want to post new information that I wouldn't get transferred over.

I am so excited with how everything turned out and couldn't be happier! Thank you so much Erin!!

The next big move is going to be moving into my new Recipe home. As for now there is a link at the top that takes you to recipes posted earlier but within a few weeks our new Recipe doors will be open and.......oh the excitement in the air!!

You will also notice a link at the top of the page for Weddings. After the recipe blog is completed we will be working on a wedding blog and that is where I will post wedding and event related materials.

The most important new link at the top of the page. Prayers.

There is so much going on around us right now. In our world, in our country, in our families. So many hard and sad things. So many are in need of all of us praying for them.

If you have a prayer request for yourself or someone else please feel free to post it under Prayers or email it to me and I will post it for you (follow the email link in the left sidebar). I ask all of you then to join in as one of our amazing Prayer Warriors and pray. Lift those in need up in your prayers. Wrap them in your love and prayers.

So often we can begin to focus only on needs. Please remember that He is due Praises as well.

We can all find SOMETHING to be thankful for.

I would love you to post your Praises as well as your needed prayers. Let us not only pray to Him for things needed but also REJOICE in Him for all that he provides to us.

You can post your Praises under Prayers, email them to me, or even post them here.

As many of you know Dave lost his job two weeks ago (you have been reading about it over and over on the "old" blog since that was my last post :) )

Although we are still in need of your Prayers due to our uncertain future, today, on my birthday, I need to count my blessings and would love to share with you what I am praising Him for today. I would love for you to share your blessings with me, so I can count yours too!

PRAISE: Dave and I have five wonderful and healthy children. They amaze me every day with their individual and amazing personalities, kind hearts, ability to learn and eagerness to discover. They have brought me more joy than anything in this world and I am grateful and count my blessings for them every day!

PRAISE: Theodore, Winston, Bebe and Dave (the fish). The energy and loyalty that Theodore and Winston bring to our home and to my life. The beautiful singing and welcome greetings that Bebe sings to me throughout the day and Dave (the fish), so graceful and smooth. He is a fish with lots of personality and I'm grateful for being shown that fish can have personality!

PRAISE: Family and friends. So many that call me, email me, pray for me, comfort me, and make me laugh. Everyone brings so much joy to my life and I am truly blessed.

PRAISE: Brides, Grooms and Love. All bring so much to my days and to my life. I am blessed to have a career that I love and to get to spend my days making a positive difference in one of the most important days in the life of a couple, their wedding day, as they begin their journey as husband and wife. I am truly blessed to share their exciting experiences with them as they plan their wedding celebration and I am honored to share their amazing day with them and their family and friends. I count my blessings for the opportunities each bride and groom and their love give me every single day.

PRAISE: Singing birds and buds on trees. It is hard not to believe in God when you see the changes in the seasons He gives us. He didn't have to make everything so beautiful......but He did.

PRAISE: All the comforts I am privileged to enjoy that I often take for granted. A home to live in, enough food to eat, electricity, indoor plumbing and good health. Although I am extremely blessed for the two legs He gave me for transportation I am very grateful for the car I am able to drive that gets me where I want to go even faster!

PRAISE: The little things that enrich my life and bring a smile to my face and happiness to my heart:
My new blog design! My birthday! My little black dress tumblers (Thanks Bobbie!), Panera chocolate chip cookies (that I had for breakfast today (it IS my birthday! :), wedding cake tastings, the recipe for the Rice Krispie bars that I am going to post for you on the recipe blog. (Do we see a pattern of lots of praises for food? :) ) My love and appreciation of good food, especially desserts! Driving with the windows down on a beautiful day, music swirling in the air around me, children's laughter, a porch swing, new purses and cute shoes, ice cream trucks, riding in a boat, flowers blooming in a garden, walks on a beautiful day, crayola artwork on a fridge, puppies, photography, well written words, the beauty of a church, the smells and sounds when sitting on a forest floor, candlelight, a mirror finish on a river or lake, and of course............Cobblestone Paths!

Thank you for walking with us on ours. We are truly blessed to have you here!

God bless you all and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Lord Hear Our Prayers.

There is so much going on around us right now. In our world, in our country, in our families. So many hard and sad things. So many are in need of all of us praying for them.

If you have a prayer request for yourself or someone else please feel free to post it here or email it to me and I will post it for you (follow the email link in the left sidebar).

I ask all of you then to join in as one of our amazing Prayer Warriors and pray. Lift those in need up in your prayers. Wrap them in your love and prayers.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


With all that is going on around us right now and so many needs for prayers we can begin to focus only on needs. Please remember that He is due Praises as well.

We can all find SOMETHING to be thankful for.

I would love you to post your Praises. Let us not only pray to Him for things needed but also REJOICE in Him for all that he provides to us.

Please share your Praises here in the comments. Let us Rejoice with you and in Him!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life.....Expect the Unexpected

In life the unexpected is delivered every day like a morning newspaper.

When I came to post this morning, I noticed the post below this and I thought how ironic.

Like nearly every other morning of the week, Dave left for work yesterday at 6:00 a.m. Dave arrived at work and set the meeting rooms scheduled for the day. Dave was then called into Human Resources. Due to the economic times meetings and events are down in the hotel and they have eliminated the Audio/Visual Department of the hotel. Please get your personal belongings. You are free to leave.

Just like that.

Just like that we became another statistic in the growing number of individuals and families that are faced with the loss of their job and uncertain futures. Yesterday morning at 10:05 a.m. the statistic for unemployed individuals in the United States was 11.6 million. Yesterday morning at 10:06 a.m. the statistic was 11.6 million and one.

I do believe that God does not close a door without opening a window. I believe everything happens for a reason and He has a bigger plan for Dave and for us.

The unknown is scary. Leaving a comfort zone and security is scary. I trust in His plan and that He will guide us to that window and beyond it will be something very exciting and fulfilling for Dave and our family.

I am thankful that I have a very full calendar of brides, grooms and weddings. I know times are difficult and I appreciate and feel very blessed with any and all business that I get. I have certainly seen changes in my business and the wedding and event business as a whole, but I remain to have business and am very thankful.

Uncertain times are stretched before our family right now, just as they are for millions of others. Please keep us, and the other families that are facing the same circumstances as us, in your prayers. Please pray for an optimistic attitude, endurance with difficult times, clarity in decisions of which avenues and opportunities to pursue and peace and love within the family.

Expect the unexpected is one thing. Accepting the unexpected can be another thing entirely.

Acceptance is the first step in any unexpected circumstance; Accepting whatever has happened. Accepting that it is fact. Accepting that you were meant to move on. Accepting that you were meant to rise higher as a direct result. Accepting that you don't have all the answers . . . don't understand all the meanings . . but that you will make it. From acceptance, you will find surrender. From surrender, grace. And from grace, a new life and a sacred triumph.